Etienne Way and Murray Holladay Road Well Equipping

Engineering project details, documents, and contact information can be found below.

Etienne Way and Murray Holladay Road Well Equipping

Project Information

Project Name
Etienne Way and Murray Holladay Road Well Equipping
Project Type
Well House
Project Manager
Travis Christensen
Project Description
As part of its long-term plan to develop additional high-quality groundwater, the District is ready to proceed with equipping two existing wells located at 2129 East Murray Holladay Road and 2776 East Etienne Way.   These two wells will provide important new peak day capacity to meet growing member agency demands and will enable certification of currently approved water rights.   Under a separate project, the two existing wells will be redeveloped and test pumped and the results of the redevelopment effort will be used by the consultant selected for equipping to appropriately size pumping equipment and create a design for construction of two new pump stations.
Estimated RFP Release Date
August 2022
Engineering Contract Date
Proposals Due
Bowen Collins & Associates
Estimated Bid Documents Available
Fall 2023
Estimated Construction Cost
10 Million Dollars

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Contract Documents and Project Information

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