Protecting Your Water
Jordan Valley Water needs your help to protect your water. Working together, we can better protect this precious resource.
Where Your Water Comes From
Approximately 90 percent of the water delivered by Jordan Valley Water comes from surface water sources. The majority of this water comes from the Provo River watershed that includes several high Uinta Mountain lakes, the Provo River and its tributaries, as well as Deer Creek and Jordanelle reservoirs. The majority of this water is treated at the Jordan Valley Water Treatment Plant. The Provo River watershed covers approximately 825 square miles, or 528,000 acres in Wasatch, Utah, and Summit counties.
In addition to Provo River water, Jordan Valley Water also treats snowmelt run-off at the Southeast Regional Water Treatment Plant that comes from several mountain streams along the east bench of the Wasatch Mountains.
The remaining 10 percent of water comes from groundwater sources located in a deep underground aquifer. Wells located primarily in the southeast portion of the Salt Lake Valley pump water from this aquifer for delivery to your tap.
Our Efforts
- Participating on local watershed protection coalitions to ensure maximum funding and resources are available for protection efforts.
- Maintaining source water protection plans in cooperation with other local agencies to track and organize efforts.
- Collecting and analyzing water quality data to evaluate watershed protection efforts.
- Participating in research activities to ensure that we are implementing the best technologies, strategies and management practices.
Ways You Can Help
- Take time to read and follow usage guidelines on signs and pamphlets before you begin activities in the mountains and reservoirs.
- Continue your water conservation efforts.
- Do your part in preventing runoff of detergents, fertilizers and pesticides into the storm drain system of your community or into the groundwater.
- Properly dispose of household products such as cleaners, oil or gasoline and unused medicines. Check out Salt Lake County's regulations for proper household hazardous waste disposal at , as well as general information from the US EPA at
- When you notice someone else contaminating the water, remind them that "We all live downstream."